West Bengal University of Health Sciences, the only one of its kind in the state; was a dream come true to all the medical faculties and students alike. Formerly, the medical teaching in the state, both in undergraduate and post-graduate levels, were supervised by various state Universities. This caused an enormous disparity in terms of teaching and learning process, nature and standards of evaluation and most significantly; the recognition of the graduates from the different Universities. So all the stakeholders of medical education in the state; who were coherent in their thinking; felt the need for bringing parity in the medical education system and end this impasse

Under these compelling circumstances, The West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kolkata was born under ‘West Bengal Act. XIII’ of 2002′ and The West Bengal University of Health Sciences – Act. 2002 was notified in ‘The Kolkata Gazette’, Extraordinary vide notification no. 1254-L dated 1st August 2002. Fulfilling all the formalities to the official establishment of the University, it finally came into being on 1st January 2003; which is considered as the date of birth for this embodiment of higher education in the fields of medical sciences in the state.

Since 2003, the University, still a young one, compared to the other renowned universities of the country and abroad; has grown at a pace unparallel to any other universities in the state. The quantum of students under its aegis, the number of courses that are affiliated and the aspiration to be in association with this University have all swelled in an unprecedented rate. The West Bengal University of Health Sciences has weathered turbulent times to administer even standards of medical education in the state with its very limited resources. Given the impending heightened responsibilities to impart medical education to even larger a population of intending students in future; this University would take a leaf out of the past to cater to the needs of the state and the country.

Creating, upholding and developing an intellectual, philosophical, academic and physical environment conducive to free flow of ideas and exchange of information with all the centers of excellence in the country and abroad.

  • To emerge as a Centre of Excellence & leader in the field of Health Sciences Education, research & health care delivery.
  • To bridge the gap between demand & supply for specialized trained manpower in medical & allied health sciences.
  • To provide quality assurance in Health Sciences education by Integration of teaching, research related to medicine & allied sciences through transparent system of good community.

 To ensure better patient care through affordable, accessible services to community.

Nalanda Nursing Institute established in the year 2021 offers diploma and graduate programs in nursing to meet the diverse needs of the health care sector. Qualified and experienced full time faculty provides the right makes of inputs comprising of theoretical practical and clinical experience. All programs are recognised by the both Indian Nursing Council and West Bengal Nursing Council. Nursing training programs have been formulated in consulting with experts adhering to standards and guidelines. Hands on training is given to the students at well equipped parent hospital, government hospitals as well as in allied urban and rural health centres. Nursing students attend OPD sessions and words in the hospital. Students visit different place under community connect and provide primary health services. Students actively participates in health awareness programs. Students regularly interact with faculty members doctors and students of medical College to hone there technical and managerial Skills and groomed as competent nurses. Students have access to study materials in different form such as books, research journals, magazines, newspapers and ebooks at our well furnished library.

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