Charnock Hospital, a tertiary care hospital, is the key promoter of this initiative. Coming from the healthcare industry, we are well aware of the nuances, the demand-supply gap between industry requirements and institutes that churn out such healthcare professionals. It is after experiencing first hand, how desperately healthcare industry needs quality personnel to fulfill this gap, thus Charnock Healthcare Institute was formed.
Charnock Healthcare Institute is a first-of-its-kind initiative in Eastern India. The institute offers a world-class campus located in New Town, Kolkata with state-of-the-art infrastructure. The institute has a capacity of 1300 students, has 21 classrooms along with the most modern audio-video equipment installed in each classroom, 7 laboratories making it truly unparalleled in the region. It is a centrally AC campus with Wi-Fi Internet.
What makes us special?
We are FOCUSED – only on Healthcare! We are a Hospital – who has come into the Education sector. We KNOW what kinds of personnel are required by the healthcare sector. Our agenda is very clear – Creating talented Workforce for the Healthcare sector. Practical Training and First-Hand experiential learning are the key factors. Our students are taught in a Hands-On approach for learning the Practical aspects, and not just in Theory. Each course has a very strong component of first hand ‘Learning by Doing’ approach. Being a direct unit of Charnock Hospital, it makes a huge difference when our students are taught at our own hospital.
Why Charnock Healthcare Institute was created ?
Charnock Hospital was facing massive shortage in getting quality healthcare professionals. Like other hospitals, we tried bringing in people from other parts of the country like Kerala, North East etc … but cultural differences, overseas placements, poaching, language problems etc. were always posing hurdles. So, we decided to create our own institute – which will cater to our requirement for personnel.
Now, this problem of shortage of skilled manpower is being faced by other hospitals also … sometimes in a much larger way. So, we modified our strategy for Charnock Healthcare Institute: which would now cater to the requirements of the entire healthcare industry by providing high quality healthcare professionals in all fields – Nursing, Paramedics & Administration.
Healthcare and Overview
The Indian healthcare market is estimated to reach $ 372 billion by 2022, states the IBEF report. Moreover, the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is planning to further enhance its healthcare budget to 2.5% of GDP by 2025. The Indian Government has also developed a Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) targeted to be achieved by 2030. This is an attempt to ensure health, end poverty and ensure prosperity and peace for the people. As part of this agenda, one of the SDGs focusses strongly on health. India has the potential to generate staggering $774 billion revenue in the healthcare sector by 2030, suggests a new report. The report showed that with an investment of $217 billion, the country can create 12 million jobs in healthcare and allied sectors, which can impact 1.5 billion lives by 2030. Indian healthcare will become the second most attractive sector this decade, behind food, agri and agriTech.
Current Scenario
India has shortage of an estimated 600,000 doctors and 2 million nurses, In India, there is one government doctor for every 10,189 people (the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a ratio of 1:1,000), or a deficit of 600,000 doctors, and the nurse:patient ratio is 1:483, implying a shortage of two million nurses. India is in need of 4.3 million more nurses by 2024 to meet WHO norms.
With 1.39 billion people to take care of, India’s national healthcare has to be extensive and all-inclusive. The Indian healthcare system and policy development are unique particularly because of the extraordinary population size and the nature of national health concerns. Establishing an efficient universal healthcare system in India is the greatest current health-related challenge that both the government and NGOs are trying to achieve. Obstacles include resource allocation, low physician to population ratio, geographic, gender, and socioeconomic inequity, inflation in healthcare spending, and government inadequacy.
Our Proposal
Charnock Healthcare Institute is a unique medical education institute, which will create quality manpower for all levels of healthcare delivery. This is the first such dedicated medical education institution which provides Nursing, Paramedical and Administrative education – all under one roof.
Our Chairman’s Message
On behalf of the Charnock Healthcare Institute I welcome you all for a glorious career in healthcare.
Our vision is to develop this institute into a world class institution, renowned for its infrastructure, excellence in academics and professional acumen. Our mission is to disseminate high quality education in all health sciences streams amongst the youth and inculcate values and ethics to be practiced in the pursuit of their professions.
We are determined to contribute to society through our commitment to patronage quality in health sciences education, ensuring excellence in higher education.
Warm Regards
Susil Kumar Misra
MD’s Message
As we all know there is a pressing need for qualified & trained manpower in the healthcare industry. As a hospital administrator, I personally felt this huge gap while operating Charnock Hospital, so have all my fellow administrators across all hospitals. Charnock Healthcare Institute (CHI) is an effort towards solving this massive manpower crisis.
CHI was formed to impart quality education to those aspirants who seek a career in the healthcare space. It shall churn out highly qualified personnel for all streams in healthcare delivery space:
Nursing, Paramedical and Administration – all under one roof.
After receiving quality education globally and experiencing the best faculty and best facilities in world class institutes, I had a personal passion for creating an educational institution of global standards here in our very own West Bengal. This effort is partly motivated by that ambition and partly by the pressing need of our healthcare industry for quality personnel.